Patient Safety Protocols Our Family Caring for Yours

We are excited to announce that our doors are open and we're resuming all necessary dental treatment.

You may notice that from the waiting room to face and hair coverings, things may look a little different.
Even though our masks are covering our face, we are smiling at you and welcome your return to the our office!

Rest assured that our team is going above and beyond to ensure the safety and well-being of our patients and staff.

Here are our new safety measures:

  • You will be asked a series of screening questions prior to your appointment
  • We ask that patients wait in their cars and call us upon arrival
  • Anyone accompanying a patient to their appointment is asked to wait in their car
  • Patients are asked to wear masks or face coverings to their appointment
  • Your temperature will be taken prior to the appointment
  • Hand sanitizer is provided on arrival
  • A clear protective shield has been installed at the front counter to minimize contact with our reception
  • We have limited the number of chairs in the waiting room to aid in 6 feet distancing
  • TV remotes and reading materials have been removed from the waiting room
  • All staff will be wearing masks and limiting physical contact -- we won’t shake your hand, but we can certainly wave!
  • Staff temperatures are taken each day

Additionally, multiple air filtration systems have been installed for added safety.
We encourage you to click the links below to learn more about each of these measures:

Thank you for being a part of our dental team. We look forward to making you smile at your next appointment!


The Doctors and Staff of Rieser Family Dental